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Chinese New Year is not until next week, so I am actually early for wishing you Happy New Year. |
So, here's where I've been...my poor mother (you remember her; you've seen her down in the comments as my personal heckler/fan) was supposed to have her hip replaced. While waiting, her own hip broke! Insert new hip, everyone is happy. Buzzzzzz. There is an infection. Out comes new hip and in goes a spacer. You can only be partial weight bearing with that - so walker and no driving for Sue. Oh yeah, at-home IV for 6 weeks to clear up the infection. So after 3+ plus weeks of the hospital and rehab, my mom finally came home and is feeling more like herself, albeit having to make a lot of accommodations. She's been quite a good sport about the whole thing, which is pretty impressive (I would NOT be a good sport).
This is how my mother will have to shovel this winter. |
In case I was worried that Boy and SB were overly upset by our stressful month, our exchange, recounted below, shows that I needn't have worried. Their main worry was who would get what car in the hypothetical situation - that won't happen for at least a year and half!
Boy drives a 2006 Accord. This is the car that The Party replaced when he got a new car about a year ago. Please note that this car belongs to us and is no way the property of Boy (please remind Boy of that if you see him). I tell you what kind of car it is so you can see this is not a crappy junker. It's a perfectly nice car and Boy has been grateful to have it to drive.
Next year Boy will not take this car to college. Next spring SB will be able to get her driver's license and will have this car to drive. The following fall (of 2014!) we would have to decide if Boy could take car to school and if we would purchase another used car for SB to use. Are you with me so far? I have no idea how this will pan out. Many factors to consider, most especially, the cost. I have no intention of thinking about this at all until sometime next spring or summer.
My refusal to make any kind of decision is infuriating to my children who need this matter settled immediately - on principle. Boy feels any car purchased that is nicer or newer than what he drives now should go to him due to him being the older child. He feels it would be completely outrageous for us to consider giving SB a "better" car than he has. Essentially, on seniority alone, he should have the "better" car. SB cannot believe he would think something so ridiculous. She feels that he cannot expect to always get the "better" anything just because he is older. Further, Boy only got a once "recycled" car, if we give it to her, it would be "more recycled."
OMG - how perfect would this be?! It's a stun gun brass knuckles combo! |
And this is why I need a whistle and a stun gun. And a drink.
When I was 20, I came home from college and my 16 year old sister drove me around in her car, a SAAB, which was pretty dang nice. So, hush it DTC children!
ReplyDeleteI always had to provide my own insurance, though my parents did supply my first car. I think the most helpful/least deserving of a whistle child gets the car.
ReplyDeleteYou could always tell them (after Boy has left, of course) that once the nest has been left, there will be no more car-supply of any kind. It's kinda dick-ish I know, but hey, those of us who were supplied with a first car (my spending limit was only 3 grand!) were forevermore considered "helped out", up to and including co-signing on a newer car. Once was it for us. This applied no matter how old the car was, or how many family owners it had seated.
ReplyDeleteDTC children are the most ridiculous people on the planet. It would be hard to say who is less deserving of a whistle. I mean these people are arguing over a hypothetical car!
ReplyDeleteMy children are younger and currently fighting over an empty box. God help me.
ReplyDeletebahahahahaha! I can completely envision such an argument. :)
DeleteBoy needs to learn that the parents HE had at 16 and 18 are NOT the parents SB has at 16 and 18. Case in point: I had to buy my first car with my savings account ($600 back in 1990). It was a 1978 Grand Prix. I think ONE door weighed approx what an entire 2006 Honda Accord weighs. I had the first 6 mos of insurance paid, and had to get a job to continue putting gas and insurance on it. Fast forward 10 years and my brother got a NEW Honda Civic, insurance paid for years, and I don't know the details on car payments, but surely he took them over at some point. Same Mom and Dad, just in a "different time in their life". roflmao
ReplyDeleteEvery child is different, and if nobody can let it lie until the time 2 cars are needed, they need to GO BUY A BUS PASS. You could tell them that if this needs decided TODAY that you will sell the accord, and give each 1/2 the $ to go get their own ride. But you should be proud that Boy is not researching how to ruin the current car in hopes of getting a new ride NOW. He does value his life!
This debate is most interesting, please do keep us posted with updates!! and btw, MISSED YA GIRL!!! :)
OMG - my first car I bought (1988 - in college) was a Grand Prix too!! I LOVED that car!! It had automatic-adjust plush seats AND a tape deck!!
ReplyDelete(PS - my mother and Party thought it was a stupid car to buy, but I still am glad I did).
oh yeah - mine was a 1980. You could totally kill someone with one of those doors.
DeleteObviously I am the BEST MOTHER EVER since my own teenage driver just got his first car, (read, he put money toward it but it is still ours) and it is a GRAND PRIX!
Deleteis it from the 1900s?
DeleteNope - a 2003. Does that change my best mom status?
Deletemine was PURPLE (repainted before I got it) with power everything, plush black interior, and yes, a TANK. I was definitely SAFE in it. I affectionately referred to it as "bart" (big Simpsons fan back then). Ahh memories.....
DeleteMy first car was a 1977 Grand Prix - light orange with a white top! TAlk about a tank! I ran over many curbs in that car...
ReplyDeleteI have the opposite "problem" than SB. I am the first born and had to work hard to buy my own used car, and now ten years down the road my parents have bestowed BOTH of my sisters with new cars. I am cursed by society to have lived with all second and third born children! ;)
ReplyDeleteLOL! I will tell her that and tell her she should consider herself lucky. I'll let you know how that goes. :)
DeleteRemember she's beautiful. Give her anything she want. Quote by Party. Lol
ReplyDeleteYou should let Boy know that having a car in college automatically makes him THE driver for everywhere and everyone. And most everyone doesn't pay for gas, just him. He should want to wait to carry out this discussion until after he knows if he wants to be THAT guy taking 16 other guys to the store for ramen noodles and Pepsi on a Tuesday night.